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  [Aroid-l] Off-TOPIC--Heliconia lourteigiae
From: <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2009.09.19 at 12:49:16
Dear Friends=2C

A while ago I was corresponding w/ a young gentleman with whom I first made contact on this forum.  =3B We used to discuss aroids AND other plants (Gingers=2C Heliconias=2C Costus=2C etc.) as he had a wide interest in many plant families.
He travelled down to Fr. Guyane to collect=2C one of the plants he really wanted to obtain while there was this very rare=2C minature species of Heliconia. =3B I do believe he was sucessful.
If at all possible=2C could he please contact me off-l=2C I have received a wonderful hard-cover booklet from my friend Joep Moonen (in Fr. Guyane) on some flowering plants from that region=2C and amongst them are a photo and illus. of this unique=2C beautiful and minature Heliconia sp.
Any other Heliconia collectors or ''freaks''=2C please feel free to contact me off-l!

Good Growing=2C

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