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  [Aroid-l] Nymphaea/Cyrtosperma growing media suggestions...
From: <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2009.10.15 at 11:11:31
Dear John and Friends=2C

John=2C it certainly sounds like you have developed a very good method for growing Water Lilys (Nymphaeas) in the way you describe.
BUT---a word of caution to growers or ''wanna-be'' Aquatic Aroid growers=2C Aroids are not Water Lilys=2C so I caution on using this method until someone like John has experimented with trying to grow a plant of say his Cyrtosperma johnstonii OR the ''Gran Etang" Lake Montrichardia (John=2C and luck with collecting seed of this as yet??) in the submerged pot with the old pig manure. =3B =3B Oh=2C the term ''old pig manure'' leaves doubt=2C HOW old and decomposed is the pig manure??
Most of the Aroids such as Urospatha=2C Montrichardia=2C most other species of Cyrtosperma=2C etc. are rare and irreplacable here in the USA=2C and I have lost several during my early experimenting growing period in conditions like John describes for his Nymphaeas!
John=2C try growing a Cyrtosperma in the pot as you describe and please report back to us in say a year or two on how it does!

Good Growing=2C


From: criswick@spiceisle.com
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Date: Mon=2C 12 Oct 2009 15:02:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Cyrtosperma growing media suggestions...

I have had very variedsuccess with Nymphaeas. =3B The books say large containers with no holes andNO animal manure=3B only good topsoil. =3B Then you have to keep giving fertilizer(the Nymphaea fertilizer is EXPENSIVE) or the plants start decreasing in size.


But I observed that ayellow nymphaea which had grown over the edge of the pot=2C had sent roots spreadingin all directions in the gunk on the concrete floor of the pond (largely fish excrement). =3BAnd the lily went wild! =3B Huge leaves and flowers.


So I started puttingnymphaeas in fairly wide=2C but very shallow plastic containers=2C reasoning thatthe roots like the aeration on the surface of the soil medium. I use cat littertrays or shallow =93wash pans=94 =3B (pre-washing machine). =3B Inthe bottom I put 4 inches of well-rotted pig manure=2C topped by 4 inches ofloam. =3B I plant the nymphaea in the centre and cover the loam withsand. =3B Then I gently submerge the container in the 18 inch deep pond=2C but notkeeping the crown 6 to 8 inches below the water surface=2C as the books tell youto do.


I consistently getgood results that last for many=2C many months without adding more pig manure.


From:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of Adam Black
Sent: Monday=2C October 12=2C 2009 11:22AM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Cyrtospermagrowing media suggestions...


I don't recall if anyone has mentioned it yet=2Cbut has anyone tried the "mesh" pots for aquatic aroids? I wouldimagine these would be beneficial to allow for better circulation through thepot and media. I think they are more commonly used for water lilies so wouldthink they would apply perfectly toward aroids. I have a Montrichardia in needof repotting and I am going to give it a try.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Criswick
Sent: Oct 9=2C 2009 11:48 AM
To: 'Discussion of aroids'
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Cyrtosperma growing mediasuggestions...

For some years I havehad a Cyrtosperma johnstonii growing just outside my concrete pond=2C which isabove ground level by 18 inches (45 cm.)  =3BIt used to be grown in anotherpond=2C with roots totally submerged in water. =3B Here it is in permanentlydamp soil and the soil is a very heavy=2C intractable clay loam=2C so it would notseem that it needs to be in moss=2C although that might provide theultimate/optimum of conditions.


In the attached photoyou can see the Cyrtosperma with a Typhonodourum lindleyi behind it=2C in thesame soil=2C and a Musa ornate to the right of it.





From: aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com[mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] OnBehalf Of RAYMOMATTLA@cs.com
Sent: Thursday=2C October 08=2C 20099:50 PM
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Cyrtospermagrowing media suggestions...


Jeremy=2C =3B I believe the AtlantaBotanical Gardens grew a very large C. johnstonii in what looked like (if I canremember right) a large rock bowl with just moss as the growing medium. =3BProbably keep very moist but not too wet. =3B Just another suggestion. =3BI wouldnt totally submerge the roots though...

Michael Mattlage

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