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  [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus cirrifer issue
From: "E.Vincent Morano" <ironious2 at yahoo.com> on 2010.04.30 at 03:58:32

So far, I have not had much success growing flowering size cirrifers. I can grow them up to flowering size fine. But I wont go into all those details right now. I just have this one question for now. As you can see from the attached photo, one of my cirrifer tubers is flowering.

Last time one flowered for me, I put it in the soil when the new growth tip started to emerge from the dormant tuber. I inspected it and it did grow me one single root. BUT after it flowered, it went dormant for 6 months and started growing in November only to go asleep again in March. Due to the cold weather, the tuber not grow very big at all, it lost a considerable amount of mass. At lease I think it was the colder weather that did it. It could have also been the fact that I was trying to force it to stay dormant by not potting it up. I did not want it to grow through the winter so I left it un potted. It started to dryout so I ended up potting it so I would not loose it.

Anyway, I want to know: should I put the tuber in the soil now or leave it until the flower dies? Remember last time I potted it up and it grew a root durring the flowering period. Right now as you can see from the picture, it has no roots but I thing its possible that it could grow some if I plant it now. But im afraid it might do the same going dormant thing that my other one did. What should I do?

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