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Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron sp., Atlantic forest, Northeastern Bahia,
From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2011.02.07 at 02:16:32
Dear Eduardo, Joep, and David,
I knew someone would know more about this than I. I just took a look at Tom Croat's treatment of Philodendron subgenus Philodendron. What a widespread species! Central to South America . Croat does not list Bahia, but, obviously this species is widely distributed. Very ornamental on top of all that.
Aloha and mahalo,
Leland From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves
<eduardo.goncalves@inhotim.org.br> To: Discussion of aroids www.gizmoworks.com> Sent: Sun, February 6, 2011 2:08:18 PM Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron sp., Atlantic forest, Northeastern Bahia, Brazil
=0ADear Alex,
This is Philodendron fragrantissimum, quite common in restingas and secondary forests.
Very best wishes,
=0A INHOTIM Dr. EDUARDO G. GON=C7ALVES Curador Bot=E2nico Jardim Bot=E2nico Rua B, 20 35460-000 | Brumadinho | MG | Brasil +55 31
3571.6638 Ramal Fixo 107 +55 31 9604.8618 Ramal 380
Rua Ant=F4nio de Albuquerque, 215 | Funcion=E1rios 30112-010 | Belo Horizonte | MG | Brasil +55 31 3223.8224 Antes de imprimir, pense em sua responsabilidade com o Meio Ambiente.
=0A =0A =0A=0A=0A =0A=0A
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