From: "Daniel Devor" <plantguy at> on 2011.02.11 at 16:51:16
Hi All,
I have been fortunate enough to have another Dracontium bloom and I was hoping for an ID from the experts on the list. This one is supposedly a native of Brasil which would seem to narrow it down quite a bit, but honestly, I can not be certain of that claim just because it originally came from there! As you can see, this one has produced a lot of offsets from the the main tuber without me making any attempt to remove them. I suppose the question is, have they fused to the main tuber or are they free from momma so they can eventually be potted up separately.
I apologize for the poor pics in at least one case, but indoor shots are not the easiest this time of year. I hope the
"naughty bits" will give a clear ID on this one so I can tag it as something besides "Dracontium sp. Brasil #1". I have 2 others from Brasil as well that grow nothing like this one so hopefully those will be different when they get around to blooming in the future.
As always, if anyone has any Dracontium they would like to sell when it gets warmer please keep me in mind as this genus still has me excited. I currently have: D. prancei, D. polyphyllum, D. amazonense, D. spruceanum (all based on flowers) as well as a no-ID from Peru, two no-IDs from Brasil and one no-ID from a lady in Hawaii. I have seen these for sale on ebay a couple of times this winter, but when you never see the north side of 0C for weeks at a time it is the wrong time of year to try and acquire anything like this.
Thanks in advance,
Gibsonia, PA