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  Re: [Aroid-l] Cultivation of Taccarum
From: "Ertelt, Jonathan B" <jonathan.ertelt at Vanderbilt.Edu> on 2011.12.08 at 15:54:43
Re: [Aroid-l] Cultivation of Taccarum Marek,

Greetings. As usual, I have no magic answers =96 but I have had them get larger and come along and flower. I guess originally just judging from the size the leaf was getting to I overpotted, and then watered and fed the plant abundantly. I have multiple new =93babies=94 every year, but I also have had several of the impressive flowers come along. I don=92t pull it out of the soil during the winter, and in the old greenhouses it would even get hit occasionally with water while dormant (the death knell for some, but not this one). Hope this helps. Good Growing.


On 12/3/11 7:36 PM, "Marek Argent" <abri1973@wp.pl> wrote:


I've had Taccarum weddellianum since 2005, every year it produces a leaf and usually a "baby" tuber.
But... it doesn't grow in size almost at all, although the tuber very slowly increases, the leaf is 20-30 cm tall every year.
I use regular pot soil, and the plant is fertilized with natural biohumus.
It grows in a southern window.
When it's dormant I store it without soil in the normal room temperature.

What do I do wrong? What should I do to make it grow larger?
Here are photos of my plant:

Please help,

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