IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] lost label - id please
From: Bobby McGehe <bobbymcgehe at bellsouth.net> on 2016.05.31 at 16:49:33
Looks like Taccarum to me!

On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 12:39 PM, "StroWi@t-online.de" <StroWi@t-online.de> wrote:

I lost a label of one of my tuberous aroids.
Attached the pictures of the plant - on the left the one I cannot remember or identify; I suspected Taccarum wedellianum but I had some more tubers labeled Taccarum wedellianum, one is shown on the right side and I think that this is really T.w.
The lighter green petiole is from the lost label plant......
I suspect that it is Gorgonidium intermedium that I bought in 2011 at ebay from bulbous-aroids,  but I am not sure....
Any suggestions welcome!
Happy id-ing, Bernhard.

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