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Re: [Aroid-l] Visiting nurseries in Florida / East Coast
From: Don Martinson <llmen at wi.rr.com>
on 2018.08.20 at 01:31:39
Susan, at least most of us aren=E2=80=99t trying to cover up any malfeasance, at least in a felonious sense. My apologies to those not familiar with the TV series =E2=80=9CDexter=E2=80=9D.
Don M.
LOL shades of "Dexter", Tom! I wonder what the maids think...
When I am in the field and using hotel rooms I always carry a lightweight nylong tarp 12 feet x 16 feet (weighs less than a pound and compresses to less than a loaf of bread) to completely cover
the room, bed, etc. When I am finished I scoop up what I can into a trash bag that I dump in a ditch and the rest just stays in the folded up tarp which gets shaken out at the same time. Sometimes I hang it out the window to dump the minor fragments on the
street below!
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