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  P. x evansii
From: golfstra at cyvox.net.au on 1997.01.24 at 03:32:27(225)
Tom - you suggested that Simon Mayo could shed some light on this, with
his knowledge of subgenus Meconostigma. I have a copy of his revision of
this subgenus in the Kew Bulletin Vol46 No4 1991. On page 671, under his
discussion of P.undulatum he says as follows:

" A similar phenomenon has been observed in material of P.x evansii, a
hybrid between P.speciosum and P.bipinnatifidum which has leaves very
similar to those of P.undulatum."

Hopefully this finally clarifies the parentage of this hybrid. While on
this subject does anyone know the origins of Philodendron cv winterbourn
"Xanadu". With this plants growth habits it would seem that its origins
are within subgenus Meconostigma as well. Any clues?

On the subject of Philodendron seeds,Tom at the start you mentioned
folding the seeds into dry newspaper and later you referred to the
packets being moist not wet. I assume by this you mean that once you have
folded up the newspaper packet with the seeds inside you then lightly
moisten the packet? Also I would like to hear about your seed raising
methods and what growing medium you use.

I received my order of Aroideana back issues this week - fascinating
reading here. In the 1994 Vol.17 issue, Tom wrote about the Aroid
Conference in Yokohama and mentioned a paper on a revision of
Philodendron subgenus Pteromischum that was to be given by Michael H.
Grayum. Tom, do you know whether this paper was ever published? If it was
could you tell me how I could arrange a copy?Also posters were mentioned-
are these still in existence?

Happy Aroiding

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.01.24 at 05:06:43(229)
> Tom - you suggested that Simon Mayo could shed some light on this, with
> his knowledge of subgenus Meconostigma. I have a copy of his revision of
> this subgenus in the Kew Bulletin Vol46 No4 1991. On page 671, under his
> discussion of P.undulatum he says as follows:
> " A similar phenomenon has been observed in material of P.x evansii, a
> hybrid between P.speciosum and P.bipinnatifidum which has leaves very
> similar to those of P.undulatum."
> Hopefully this finally clarifies the parentage of this hybrid. While on
> this subject does anyone know the origins of Philodendron cv winterbourn
> "Xanadu". With this plants growth habits it would seem that its origins
> are within subgenus Meconostigma as well. Any clues?
> On the subject of Philodendron seeds,Tom at the start you mentioned
> folding the seeds into dry newspaper and later you referred to the
> packets being moist not wet. I assume by this you mean that once you have
> folded up the newspaper packet with the seeds inside you then lightly
> moisten the packet? Also I would like to hear about your seed raising
> methods and what growing medium you use.
> I received my order of Aroideana back issues this week - fascinating
> reading here. In the 1994 Vol.17 issue, Tom wrote about the Aroid
> Conference in Yokohama and mentioned a paper on a revision of
> Philodendron subgenus Pteromischum that was to be given by Michael H.
> Grayum. Tom, do you know whether this paper was ever published? If it was
> could you tell me how I could arrange a copy?Also posters were mentioned-
> are these still in existence?
> Happy Aroiding
> Neil Crafter
> Adelaide, Australia
> golfstra@cyvox.net.au
Dear Neil: On the Philodendron packets you should definitely not
moisten the paper. The seeds after being cleaned, or even if you just
choose to work the mesocarp off with your fingers (pretty nearly
impossible because of the stickiness) there will be enough moisture to
moisten the paper. It is the free water that causes trouble in my
Mike Grayum's revision of Philodendron subg. Pteromischum has
been published. It was in last years Monographs in Systematic Botany.
I don't have it hear at home and one real hangup with my e-mail is that
I can't just jump into my computer files where I have it stored. Mike
only got a few copies and they have been given away so you'll have to
get it directly from the American Society of Plant Taxonomist which
sells the Monograph series. I don't know price but may be able to find
out tomorrow from Mike. I do believe that Dewey Fisk has already looked
into this. He would probably know all the details.
I don't know jack about Xanadu, but if memory serves me it did
not look like a Meconostigma. Does it have the needle-like
interpetiolar squamulae and coarse internodes?
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.