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  Seed of Peltandra virginica
From: "Victor G. Soukup" <soukupvg at email.uc.edu> on 1998.09.01 at 18:56:47(2565)
Last week in southwestern Michigan, I collected several mature fruits of
Peltandra virginica. This is a water or mud dweller (preferably the
former) that is obviously quite hardy. The seeds germinate easily in water.
Anyone interested in obtaining seeds should e-mail me directly as soon as
possible. I have enough seed to probably fill at least 15 requests.
Remember to include a complete deliver address.

Vic Soukup

From: Mary Jane Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1998.09.11 at 03:47:34(2584)
Thank you Vic,
What a surprise. I am pleased. The package arrived today.
However, what do you mean by "the seeds germinate easily in water"? Do I
take the sedout of the fruit and put them in water, a moist paper towel?

Have you grown them before? After they germinate, put them in what sort
of soil? I know that when I tried skunk cabbages from seed, they didn't
do well at all in boggy wet soil but sure did well in a soiless mix.

From: Gabe Thomas <cdanielle at prodigy.net> on 1998.09.12 at 04:09:22(2588)
I have germinated these seeds quite successfully by just putting them in
a plastic container, filling it with a couple inches of water, and
setting on top my fridge for the warmth. Unlike with calla lilies, each
fruit is just one seed so leave them in tact. They will develop globs of
gell around the outside of the seed, this is normal. The only dificulty
I encountered was keeping enough water in the container, if it dries out
very much you will lose them.

Gabe Thomas

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