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  IAS Show date, Plant Auction!!
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.10.01 at 13:08:55(2640)
Dear All,
As we all know the show and sale at Fairchild Gardens which was scheduled
for last week end had to be canceled due to the hurricane, and has been
tentatively re-scheduled for the weekend of Oct 31st and Nov 1st.
Joep Moonen, who was to be our guest speaker, will be unable to return for
these dates, and has been very kind in loaning us his magnificent slides of
the Aroids of French Guiana, which is his home. I have been given the
delightful task of showing you all these slides, and trying to portray to
you the "flavor" of this jungle experience at the banquet/auction on the Sat
night, Oct 31.
As you all know, among the plants being auctioned, are specimens collected
by Joep in Fr. Guiana, and these will offset some of the expenses incurred
by the IAS in bringing Joep and his slide collection to the U.S. These
plants can be viewed at--
To try to explain the significance of these plants (smaller specimens, which
were grown from cuttings sent to us some months ago, are what will be up for
auction), and to attempt to obtain reasonable bids, I will give a few notes
about these wonderful specimens.
Please take a look at this small but unique collection of truly rare plants,
and dig deep to assist our society. I have had a chance to preview and
hear a little more about these plants, and perhaps these comments may assist
you all in deciding to attempt to obtain one or two for your collections.
The original plant of Philodendron "Joepii" was discovered a couple years
ago growing in the wild high in a large tree over a river. It is still
investigated by Dr. Tom Croat to determine if it is a species, or perhaps an
even rarer wild hybrid. Last year Joep found another specimen near to
where the first was discovered, only the second plant known of this
species(?). Joep very carefully "husbands" one of these plants, and has
a VERY limited number of cuttings for distribution to institutions and
specialists who are studying this plant, and now we, the members of IAS,
have a unique opportunity to obtain a specimen of this rare and beautiful
Philodendron with its up to 5' (yes, 5'!!) long trilobed leaves!
Philodendron "Marijke" (Ma-ri-ka) was created by Joep, it is a cross between
P. goeldii and P. solimoseuse, both "self heading", non-vining species. A
few the very limited number of surviving offspring of this one-time-only
cross (you should try growing Philodendrons from seed in S. America, without
the help of fungicides, fertilizers, or equipment, says Joep!) were brought
up to the U.S.A. by Joep, and I have seen them. I have also seen slides of
larger but still as yet not mature specimens of this unique hybrid, and man,
what a beauty! The combination of P. goeldii`s pedate leaf with P.
solimoesense`s ruffled, entire peltate leaf blade has produced a plant with
leaves whose posterior lobes are multiple (but fewer in number than
goeldii), ruffled, and with a sagittate, ruffled, large anterior lobe! It
has to be seen to be truly appreciated!
Anthurium moonenii is a very attractive plant with trifoliate leaves that
was described by Dr. Tom Croat from Fr. Guiana, and named in recognition of
Joep, its discoverer. It will make a valuable specimen to any collector of
this genus.
All of the other specimens are as beautiful and unique as the ones chosen
for mention, but it would take too many pages to wax poetic on their many
I hope that the information above will stimulate interest in this one-time
chance of a lifetime for the members and friends of the IAS.
Additional information on the sale/auction can be obtained from our
President, Dewey Fisk, at plantnut@macconect.com or I will answer whatever
I can.
Julius Boos
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