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  P. cv winterbourn "Xanadu"
From: golfstra at cyvox.net.au on 1997.01.27 at 14:27:49(240)
I have had my plant since 1990. There are four separate trunks in the
pot, each of which is around 1 to 1.25 inches in diameter. It has the
classic prophyll and leaf scar pattern on the trunk and I counted around
80 leaf scars on one trunk that was about one foot high. There are very
small intra vaginal squamules on the trunk between the leaf scars.I have
compared this trunk to those on my P.undulatum and P.williamsii and I
would think it reasonable to consider that its heritage is within
subgenus Meconostigma.I wonder what species it's parents might be? The
leaves are not large, around 8 to 10 inches
long and sharply pinnatifid from halfway to two-thirds of the way from
leaf margin to midrib, more so with mature leaves. Immature leaves are
just undulate at the margins. The leaves are quite glossy and when you
break an old leaf from the trunk the sap is very acrid smelling ,the most
powerful of any Philodendron sap I know. Incidentally just about all my
Philodendrons share a characteristic smell in their sap. Is this a
defining characteristic of the genus and do you know what chemical
compound causes this smell? For those Philodendron growers out there who
might think I've been smelling something else !, I suggest they break an
old leaf off and take a whiff !!
Any comments ?

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.01.28 at 02:41:23(246)
Neill: I just looked at a photograph of Philodendron 'Xanadu' and to me
it really doesn't look much like P. subg. Meconostigma but you could be
right. Philodendron subg. Philodendron does have interpetiolar
squamules but they are quite tiny and ephemeral, usually falling off
soon so that you don't even see them. The sap of Philodendron is a
turpenoid, I think, smelling quite a lot of turpentine. That scent is
rather uniformly present in Philodendron but there is a similar scent in
some other genera as I recall but I really can't remember which.
Homalomena is related to Philodendron but it usually has a scent of
anise in the New World tropics.
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