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  Sauromotum seeds ?
From: Malvo25 at aol.com on 1998.10.17 at 14:47:36(2701)
My Sauromotum ( growing in the ground) flowered this spring, and formed what
looks like a two inch raspberry. I assume the small red and black pieces
which seperate off the berry are the seeds, but they are not dry and hard like
I'de expect seeds to be. How do I handle them at this point?
Mitch Alvo
From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.10.17 at 20:04:46(2702)

I live just a few miles east of you - in Setauket. I've had Sauromatum
growing in the ground for the past 15 years. I've just left the seed pod
right there. The Sauromatum have formed colonies. Apparently some local
critters have helped disperse them because others have come up in other
parts of my yard where I'm sure I didn't plant them. Colonies of them end
up looking great.

I presume that others in this group will give you some instructions on how
to handle the seeds manually and you could always plant them. If, however,
you're as overwhelmed with too much to do at the end of the season as I am,
you can just leave the seed pod alone and nature will take care of it.

By the way, why do you say Huntington is zone 6? I usually treat this area
as zone 7a and was fortunate enough last year to have an 8a winter. I know
there are some inland pockets of zone 6 according to some maps, but isn't
Huntington also close enough to the coast to make it 7?


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