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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
Xanthosoma violaceum
From: David Thornton <dave at dave-aroid.demon.co.uk> on 1998.10.19 at 19:41:59(2705)
Dear aroiders Does X violaceum, grown as a houseplant, min. 65,have a
dormant winter period due to short day lengths. My plants, newly
acquired, are dying back
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David Thornton
From: "Agoston Janos" <agoston.janos at citromail.hu> on 2006.12.23 at 15:59:46(15006)
Hi All,
Is that true Xanthosoma violaceum never flowers? Has anybody
seen it in flower?
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Peter Boyce" <botanist at malesiana.com> on 2006.12.23 at 22:39:43(15010)
Hi Jani
What we call X. violaceum here in Sarawak
(cultivated for its tubers) flowers regularly.
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----- Original Message -----
Agoston Janos
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:59
Subject: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma
Hi All,
Is that true Xanthosoma violaceum never flowers? Has anybody
seen it in flower?
_______________________________________________Aroid-l mailing
Aroid-l mailing list
From: Gartenbau Reisenberger <gartenbaureisenberger at web.de> on 2006.12.24 at 14:49:05(15014)
Hi Peter, Hi JaniIŽve once learned, there is a difference beetween Xanthosoma violacea and X. nigra, the first with green leaf stalks, greenleaves and a purple hue over the green, the latter with very dark purple petioles. Is that correkt?Some of our X. nigra are regularely flowering in our greenhouse in Vienna. Next time IŽll take a picture.Seasonal greatingsHelmut Reisenberger Von: Discussion of aroids Gesendet: 24.12.06 08:24:47An: "Discussion of aroids" Betreff: Re: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceumHi Jani What we call X. violaceum here in Sarawak (cultivated for its tubers) flowers regularly. Peter----- Original Message ----- From: Agoston Janos To: AROID-L Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:59 PMSubject: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceumHi All, Is that true Xanthosoma violaceum never flowers? Has anybody seen it in flower? Bye,Jani_______________________________________________Aroid-l mailing listAroid-l@gizmoworks.comhttp://www.gizmoworks.com/
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.12.24 at 18:18:10(15015)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Sunday, December 24, 2006 2:49 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceum
Hello Helmut, Peter and Jani,
Helmuts report (below) clarifies what I am trying to say. The plant that he
is calling X. 'violacia" (w/ dark green leaf stalks, and with green leaves
and with a purple hue over the leaves) sure sounds like to 'new' one from
Cen. America which I reported in my earlier post, and Eduardo ID`d it from a
photo sent in as NOT being X. violacium, but another 'good' species like X.
sagittifolium, I don`t remember exactly which.
The second which Helmut is calling X. 'nigra' with the very dark purple
petioles I THINK is what we have being called X. violacium! BUT---until
Eduardo gets his review of the cultivated forms/species of Xanthosoma
completed, we shall always remain in doubt!
Helmut, please if at all possible post photos of these plants to the aroid-l
and we can all take a look at them, and perhaps Dr.Goncalves can give us his
The Best,
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Hi Peter, Hi Jani
I ´ve once learned, there is a difference beetween Xanthosoma violacea and
X. nigra, the first with green leaf stalks, green
leaves and a purple hue over the green, the latter with very dark purple
petioles. Is that correkt?
Some of our X. nigra are regularely flowering in our greenhouse in Vienna.
Next time I ´ll take a picture.
Seasonal greatings
Helmut Reisenberger
Von: Discussion of aroids
Gesendet: 24.12.06 08:24:47
An: "Discussion of aroids"
Betreff: Re: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceum
Hi Jani
What we call X. violaceum here in Sarawak (cultivated for its tubers)
flowers regularly.
----- Original Message -----
From: Agoston Janos
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:59 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceum
Hi All,
Is that true Xanthosoma violaceum never flowers? Has anybody seen it in
Aroid-l mailing list
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: "mossytrail" <mossytrail at hctc.com> on 2006.12.25 at 21:32:17(15021)
> Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 18:18:10 +0000
> From: "Julius Boos"
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceum
> To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
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> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
> Helmuts report (below) clarifies what I am trying to say.
> The plant that he is calling X. 'violacia" (w/ dark green
> leaf stalks, and with green leaves and with a purple hue
> over the leaves) sure sounds like to 'new' one from Cen.
> America which I reported in my earlier post, and Eduardo
> ID`d it from a photo sent in as NOT being X. violacium,
> but another 'good' species like X. sagittifolium, I don`t
> remember exactly which. The second which Helmut is calling
> X. 'nigra' with the very dark purple petioles I THINK is
> what we have being called X. violacium! BUT---until
> Eduardo gets his review of the cultivated forms/species of
> Xanthosoma completed, we shall always remain in doubt!
> Helmut, please if at all possible post photos of these
> plants to the aroid-l and we can all take a look at them,
> and perhaps Dr.Goncalves can give us his opinion.
All this talk of scrambled X. taxomomy reminded me. 'Way
back in '96, I studied, for a class project, a tall-trunked
Xanthosoma in Monteverde, Costa Rica, which, at the time,
was in the process of being segregated from X. jacquinii. I
wonder where the new name was published, and what it is?
Jason Hernandez
Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" <edggon at hotmail.com> on 2007.01.06 at 02:40:17(15044)
Dear friends,
I am leaving the city for two weeks for vacancy (2006 was a crazy
year indeed), but I will answer this post first. Xanthosoma violaceum
flowers regularly in Brazil and maybe in other places too. However, it
rarely flowers if kept in pots. You can see the flowers of the true species
in the Genera of Araceae book (by Mayo, Bogner and Boyce). When it decides
to flowers, it can produce up to 10 inflorescences per plant, that are pale
yellow with pinkish edges. Usually flowering plants have a long creeping
stem instead of the corm of the young form.
By the way, Chlorospatha croatiana flowered for me for the first
time this month. The inflorescences are somewhat twisted... What a lovely
plant... It is a pity that it is hard to find species of this genus to
cultivate and they are not native to Brazil. I would love to have more
around!!! One of the plants of Caladium tuberosum (I just brought from the
field) seems to be flowering too. Very nice!!!
I will ask a little patience for those that have tried to contact
me for these times. One of those new year promises I made to myself it was
to be able to answer emails in real time again, as I used to do some years
ago. I will try do it when I am back from the shore... Until there, I will
try to stay clean and be out of aroids for some time!
Very best wishes,
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Dr. Eduardo G. Goncalves
Universidade Catolica de Brasilia
Curso de Ciencias Biologicas
Sala M-206, QS 7, Lote 1, EPTC
CEP 72030-170, Taguatinga ? DF, BRAZIL.
Reply-To: Discussion of aroids
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceum
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 06:39:43 +0800
Hi Jani
What we call X. violaceum here in Sarawak (cultivated for its tubers)
flowers regularly.
----- Original Message -----
From: Agoston Janos
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:59 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma violaceum
Hi All,
Is that true Xanthosoma violaceum never flowers? Has anybody seen it in
Aroid-l mailing list
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