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  Anthurium hybrids
From: David Thornton <dave at dave-aroid.demon.co.uk> on 1998.10.27 at 20:26:33(2724)
Dear all,

I took four small plantlets from an anthurium hybrid, and grew them in a
propagator. I think it's strange that each plantlet produced new leaves
at the same time and some months later each one produced a flower at the
same time. Is this because the're clones, are they a new synchronised
hybrid or is it just coincidence ?

Also the parent plant produced two flowers 18 months ago, I gave it to
a friend who lives in a cold house, the flowers are still in good
condition . Is this a record of longevity ?

David (U.K.) dave @dave-aroid.demon.co.uk
David Thornton

From: "Jay Vannini" interbnk at infovia.com.gt> on 1999.09.08 at 22:54:11(3629)
To the aroid fraternity in general-

I am trying to determine the lineages of the following Anthurium =

Anthurium x 'Red Beauty'
Anthurium x 'Hoffmannii'
Anthurium x bullatus (sic??)

Gratitude is expressed in advance to those kind folks who can identify =
the species involved in these grexes.


Jay Vannini

From: "Hetterscheid, W." Hetter at Plantscope.nl> on 1999.09.09 at 14:46:06(3633)

As member of the International Commission for Nomenclature of Cultivated
Plants, I am gonna be picky about your message, where I noticed a few often
encountered mistakes in terminology........DON'T HIT ME!!!

1) a cultivar, the name of which is denoted by the single high quotation
marks (well done!) must not also be written with the cross-sign and should
not a priory be named "hybrid" but "cultivar" (not all cultivars are hybirds

From: rharias at juno.com on 1999.09.12 at 01:16:23(3640)
I've been working on a list of anthuriums for a while now and
have some partial answers for you.
As to A. x 'Red Beauty' I haven't come across this name yet.
As to A. x 'Hoffmannii' there is a species A. hoffmannii of which
it could be. Or it could be a hybrid of A. hoffmannii and something else.
Sometimes hybridizers will list a hybrid on there tag Genus x species
where the species listed is the seed producer. This is a very bad
practice because it leads to this type of confusion.
And as to A. x 'bullatus' this could be (is probably) A. x
bullatum which is a hybrid between A. subsignatum and A. veitchii.
I hope I haven't muddied the picture here. But hybrids will do
that to you. "Viva la species!"
Robert Arias
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.09.13 at 15:38:52(3644)
> As to A. x 'Hoffmannii' there is a species A. hoffmannii of which
>it could be. Or it could be a hybrid of A. hoffmannii and something else.
>Sometimes hybridizers will list a hybrid on there tag Genus x species
>where the species listed is the seed producer. This is a very bad
>practice because it leads to this type of confusion.
>Robert Arias
>Tampa FL

Sorry, but no way on the species Anthurium hoffmannii being related to the
A. x Hoffmannii... There is no resembalence at all between the two (I grow
them both)... I am confident that A. papillilaminum is one of the parents
of A. x Hoffmannii and the other one is anyones guess..... BUT, it has to
be a cordate leaf. Also,I know that A. x Hoffmannii has to be a hybrid...
because the seedlings are quite variable.

From: Jay Vannini interbnk at infovia.com.gt> on 1999.09.13 at 15:42:55(3645)

Thank you for your response. I suspected that my Anthurium x 'bullatus' =
was incorrectly labeled (hence the ??) and was, in fact, A. x bullatum. =
Mil gracias for the info.

On the other two: if it is of any assistance, Anthurium Red Beauty is =
supposed to be the offspring of a primary cross and has A. =
papillilaminum as one of the parents. I'm not certain whether it is =
TC-propagated or not, but mine show some variation in color, with one in =
particular keeping the juvenile (blood red) leaf color. The other =
hybrid, A. Hoffmannii also has a Cardiolonchium-group parent - very =
dark-colored velvet leaf with contrasting veins. Mine looks very =
different from a series Dewey Fisk showed me recently, so I am certain =
that this plant is up from seed, or that the cross has been remade. The =
southern Central American A. hoffmannii looks quite different indeed - I =
am at a loss as to why anyone would use a perfectly valid species name =
for a hybrid.

I share your enthusiasm for species, preferably with locality or source =
data attached. I think it is clear that the horticultural community has =
a long way to go with improving the quality of some of these foliage =
Anthuriums (line breeding, etc.). Nonetheless, I will admit that some of =
these hybrids are handsome devils, too.



From: rharias at juno.com on 1999.10.05 at 03:39:33(3690)
--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
To: aroid-l@mobot.org
Subject: Re: Anthurium hybrids
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 21:46:32 -0400
Message-ID: <19990922.214710.12486.0.rharias@juno.com>
I sent this message about 12 days ago and what to my suprise.. it sent it
back to me.
Thanks for setting me straight about A. x Hoffmannii, I didn't
realize that more than one hybrid was called by this same name. I will
add this to my list of anthuriums.
I also know that there are people out there who are hybridizing.
I implore them, write down the cross. If you only know the mother, and
you like to name the plant, great, but follow it by the mothers name
followed by an x then either a question mark or unknown. If it's a
volunteer, and you'd like to give it a name, that's fine too but please
after the name call it a volunteer (it's ok to make an educated guess at
the parent, but if you aren't absolutely sure then put question marks
behind your guesses). This doesn't down-grade the value of a good plant
in any way. We all get volunteer hybrids of one sort or another, and
understand that sometimes nature does strange things.
Hybridizing is one of natures short-cuts to evolution and

Robert Arias

From: rharias at juno.com on 1999.10.05 at 03:45:02(3691)
--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
To: aroid-l@mobot.org
Subject: Re: Anthurium hybrids
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 21:47:01 -0400
Message-ID: <19990922.214710.12486.1.rharias@juno.com>
Again another unsent letter. Well, here it is again.
Thanks for the information on A. x Red Beauty. It's more
information then I had before. Hybrids have been very difficult to
organize, do to the lack of information. Sometimes this lack of
information is do to the silly secrecy of some hybridizers who are afraid
of others repeating the cross and duplicating there efforts. First, the
time involved in doing this is just too much trouble. And second, the
possibility of tissue-culturing the original plant makes duplication by
seed, a waist of time.
I agree with you that some hybrids are very nice indeed. But
mother nature has provided us with so many plants to take care of
already. Why should we "The Collectors" spend our time on man made
plants. We must be the caretakers of these plants, heaven knows the
countries of origin are not. I grow a lot of pretty, little hybrids, and
sell them quite cheaply, due to the pressures put on by TC propagators.
But I don't "Collect" them, do to the fact that if I save the parent
plants, I'm saving the hybrid at the same time.

If anyone out there in Aroidland has a named Anthurium hybrid
with parentage and you've never seen it listed anywhere, please e-mail me
the name and cross so I can add it to my record, I'd appreciate it so
much that I might be persuaded to print my entire list to Aroid-L

Robert Arias

From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 1999.10.11 at 22:07:08(3731)
have a batch of seedlings,from a Tom Croat X done 10 years ago,
T.C.782, papillilaminum x dressleri .Peter Sargent pollinated the plant
about 18 months ago,and cannot remember if anything else was in flower at
the time.But it looks like Anth. splendidum might have been involved
somewhere !IN this F2 batch some look like both parents, but a few look to
have a lot of splendidum in them.
Another excellent hybrid done here in Queensland,Australia is
splendidum x crystallinum,[Equatorial Exotics]
We have 4 other plants with just T.C.nos. could anyone help me with the

From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey) on 1999.10.12 at 01:36:49(3736)
Tom and Beth are in Lita Ecuador right now and will not be back till the
end of the month. At that time, send Beth a message giving the TC numbers
and she will be able to track it down for you...

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.