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  growing anthuriums in trees?
From: "paul sullivan" <paulsull at sunline.net> on 1998.11.11 at 17:53:15(2739)
To: aroid
Date: Sunday, November 08, 1998 9:19 AM
Subject: growing anthuriums in trees?

I have an anthurium identified as Anthurium pedato-radiatum. I
purchased it several months ago and it has grown several inchs and now
tips its plastic pot over. I have grown similar anthuriums in wooden
orchid baskets, but enjoy attaching plants to my backyard trees. Will
this plant grown epiphytically (sp?)? If so, what is the bet way to
attach it? Freezing is not a real concern for me here. I have had good
success tying and gluing orchids to my trees and would like to do the
same with anthuriums, if possible. What about "birdsnest " anthuriums?
Any other suggestions for vining aroids for the backyard, zone 9/10
would be appreciated.

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