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  Alocasia cucullata
From: Alistair Hay <alistair_hay at rbgsyd.gov.au> on 1998.11.16 at 16:36:03(2747)
Dear all,

Has anyone ever seen Alocasia cucullata in fruit? I am trying to
ascertain whether it is female-fertile. The clone we have growing at
RBG Sydney has no fertile female flowers on any spadix - just
staminodes, but I do not yet know whether this is universal. Alocasia
cucullata does not seem to occur wild anywhere, and I am beginning to
suspect that it may be a mutant cultigen, possibly derived from A.
odora, but that is a wild guess at present.

Alistair Hay

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1998.11.16 at 16:47:26(2748)

I have a "hedge" of A. cucullata with approximately 40 plants, but have
never seen fruit on any of them. Until now I have assumed that the
probably cause was excessive sun because they do not produce
inflorescences in large numbers either.


From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.11.16 at 18:52:10(2751)
Alistair, it seems hard to believe that something as relatively
diminutive as A. cucullata could be a form of something as gi-
gantic as A. odora. Is't possible?

From: Shing Lam <slam at cyberbase.com.hk> on 1998.11.17 at 04:35:16(2755)

My observations seem to conform to your assertion that it doesn't occur wild.
So far I've never found Alocasia cucullata away from human settlements.
All of the plants I've seen so far in Hong Kong and in Guangdong province
are either grown in pots, or at the edge of "Fung Shui" woods outside the

From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.11.17 at 15:30:43(2756)
These observations on A. cucullata are interesting considering that there
is a clone in S. Fla. that has foliage that is crinkled around the edges.
Dr. Birdsey says that he believes that it is an aborant form of A.
cucullata... Now, it seems that A. cucullata is an aborant form....

From: Alistair Hay <alistair_hay at rbgsyd.gov.au> on 1998.11.17 at 19:41:24(2758)
Thanks for all the A. cucullata replies.

A. cucullata gets quite big under optimal conditions, and A. odora is very
variable in size. But it is just a thought anyway!


From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1998.11.17 at 20:14:22(2759)
> A. cucullata gets quite big under optimal conditions, and A. odora is very
> variable in size. But it is just a thought anyway!


I would like to understand what the optimal conditions are as you see
them. Please describe.


From: alistair_hay at rbgsyd.gov.au on 1998.11.18 at 01:21:32(2760)
Plenty of root space, water, chicken shit, warm but not over the top
in winter and indrect or dappled light, and started over again when
the stem gets too long and the crown diminishes.


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