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  Philo. "Xanadu"
From: Scott Hyndman <scothynd at magicnet.net> on 1998.11.19 at 00:28:36(2768)
Julius Boos wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: alistair_hay@rbgsyd.gov.au
> To: ju-bo@msn.com
> Date: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 8:17 PM
> Subject: Re[2]: Philo. "xanadu"

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.11.19 at 14:28:09(2769)
Dear Scott,
Thank you so very much for the above information. That it was said that
P."xanadu" was suspected to be the result of a "sport" grown from a seed of
P. "selloum" would explain some of the stories I`d heard about P. "xanadu"
being the same species as P. "selloum". As luck would have it, the recent
collection of infloresences from two seperate plants of P. "xanadu", one in
W.P.B. and the other in Miami, show that with out a doubt that this plant
can not be P. "selloum", (see my post to Bob Riffle of 11/16 for a brief
discription of the differences between the infloresences of these two
species). Tom Croat will examine and compare the infloresences of the
P."xanadus" we collected to other species to try for a positive I.D., and
I`d suggest he begin with P. pinnatafidium (excuse the spelling, no
reference at hand) which Dr. Birdsey suspects it may be. We may also wish
to try to contact the original growers in Australia and ask what other
species of Philodendron they had at the time they sowed the seed. It is
mentioned that it was grown from a collection of seed from the P. selloum,
and my guess would be that these seed were not produced in Australia, but
probably imported from a supplier of seed from S. America, and were probably
miss-labled or mixed with another species, hence the probable mix-up in
parentage names.

Time will hopefully tell!
Thanks to all, and lets keep "digging".
Tom, let us know what you find out!

From: CBL451 at aol.com on 1998.11.19 at 18:37:27(2773)
Scott, I hope you meant zone 9b for Orlando. If not you must be in an
extremely cold pocket!!! Here at Leu Gardens in Orlando we just planted a
large bed of Xanadu for a groundcover in an area shaded by Live Oaks. From my
experience they seem to be as hardy as Selloum. Unfortuneatly I don't have
anything to add to the naming mystery but am interested in what finally comes
From: Scott Hyndman <scothynd at magicnet.net> on 1998.11.19 at 22:47:01(2774)

My mistake: zone 9b it is! I lived the first half of my life in zone 5a, so
anything south of zone 7b seems warm to me. I once lived in a cold pocket in
Apopka, just a 30 minute drive to the north of Orlando, that probably was close
to a zone 8b micro climate. During the Christmas freeze of 1987 I actually saw
ice crystals/snow in the air. There wasn't much left of the subtropical
landscape after two consecutive nights of -8 C (17 F).

Seriously though, it would be interesting to know the limits of the growing
temperatures of P. 'Xanadu'. I suppose it should be similar to P. selloum.

Thanks for the correction, and I am happy to see someone else on the list from

Regards, Scott

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