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From: Kevin & Ali <n9730000 at cc.wwu.edu> on 1998.11.25 at 04:09:48(2780)
Hi all!
Impatience is a virtue for me and I've been trying to force
Amorphophallus bulbs with a little 500 ppm gibberellin. No luck so far
but it hasn't been long. Has anyone out there tried this?

Kevin (n9730000@cc.wwu.edu)

From: Brock Lenox <brockl at teleport.com> on 1998.11.25 at 13:49:39(2781)
I have used gibberellic acid in the past on a wide variety of succulents.
I have generally found that for the most part the results were
undesirable. Etiolated growth was a very common by product of it's use.
However, with some cucurbits there appeared to be better than usual seed
set and seed maturation. I saw little difference one way or the other in
germination rates of several species with seed soaked in a 500ppm solution
for 24 hours.


Brock Lenox

From: "Dr. C. R. Waldron" <cwaldron at frognet.net> on 1998.11.25 at 13:56:26(2782)
Tried it only once. GA-3 treated tubers broke dormancy about the same time as untreated--but that was not a scientific study.



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