IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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From: "Peter Boyce" <pb02kg at lion.rbgkew.org.uk> on 1998.12.10 at 15:41:09(2803)

Thanks very much for your comments! Many folks are certainly unghappy
about removal of Acorus from the aroids but will probably even
less happy when they discover that we are INCLUDING the Lemnaceae in
the aroids. Then again, nothing is new under the sun. Family
Acoraceae dates from 1822 and Engler merged the Lemnaceae into
Araceae as long ago as 1879.


From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.12.11 at 14:34:31(2808)
I can just see my first hybrid between Lemna minor and Amorphophallus
titanum! Wait untill THAT one escapes into ponds........... I am sure it
even knows how to defeat Pistia!


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