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Anth. veitchii
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1998.12.18 at 04:10:02(2841)
can someone point me to a picture of this plant? or describe it to me. is it
very large? i'm thinking of ordering it from tropiflora, along with the
alocasias they have.
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tsuh yang
From: David Scherberich <earmag at cybercable.tm.fr> on 1998.12.19 at 03:30:00(2843)
Dear tsuh yang,
there it is:
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Piabinha@aol.com wrote:
> can someone point me to a picture of this plant? or describe it to me. is it
> very large? i'm thinking of ordering it from tropiflora, along with the
> alocasias they have.
> tsuh yang
David Scherberich
3, rue de la Broque
67000 Strasbourg
Email: earmag@cybercable.tm.fr
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.12.19 at 05:47:12(2845)
A bit of a warning. I have seen seven different clones of Anthurium
veitchii. Dr. Birdsey had them before Hurricane Andrew. The clone that is
shown at the below URL appears to be the "Colombian" clone. It is the
rarest of the clones. The other clones vary in width between the lateral
veins, the shape of the sinus and the color. The "Colombian" clone seems
to have the darkest green. Somehow, I do not think this clone would sell
for the price listed. I am going to order and see.... and I hope I am
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>Dear tsuh yang,
>there it is:
>Piabinha@aol.com wrote:
>> can someone point me to a picture of this plant? or describe it to me.
>>is it
>> very large? i'm thinking of ordering it from tropiflora, along with the
>> alocasias they have.
>> tsuh yang
>David Scherberich
>3, rue de la Broque
>67000 Strasbourg
>Email: earmag@cybercable.tm.fr
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
Your Source for Tropical Araceae
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1998.12.19 at 17:18:43(2848)
In a message dated 98-12-18 22:18:19 EST, earmag@cybercable.tm.fr writes:
<< Dear tsuh yang,
there it is:
| +More |
David >>
thanks, david and sue. i used to know what a veitchii looked like but i had
forgotten. somehow it doesn't look like a houseplant to me :-(
sue had asked me info about tropiflora. they are at http://www.tropiflora.com
they have several aroids for sale right now, incl. Alocasias and Zamioculcas
zamiiflora. in the past they have offered Colocasias, Xanthosoma, Gonatopus
bovinii etc.
tsuh yang chen, nyc
From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1998.12.20 at 03:26:56(2851)
><< Dear tsuh yang,
| +More |
> there it is:
> http://ng.netgate.net/~kk/Araceae/Anthurium/unknown.A.html
> David >>
>thanks, david and sue. i used to know what a veitchii looked like but i had
>forgotten. somehow it doesn't look like a houseplant to me :-(
If you are in new york...and do not have a growth chamber...i would have
to agree!
>sue had asked me info about tropiflora. they are at http://www.tropiflora.com
>they have several aroids for sale right now, incl. Alocasias and Zamioculcas
>zamiiflora. in the past they have offered Colocasias, Xanthosoma, Gonatopus
>bovinii etc.
>tsuh yang chen, nyc
From: William Perez <wpz at sprynet.com> on 1998.12.21 at 05:14:06(2855)
> >
> >thanks, david and sue. i used to know what a veitchii looked like but i had
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> >forgotten. somehow it doesn't look like a houseplant to me :-(
> If you are in new york...and do not have a growth chamber...i would have
> to agree!
How true is this??
I want to know because I've always had fantasies of growing A. veitchii and
warocqueanum in my bathroom.
Say it isn't so.
From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1998.12.21 at 15:31:50(2856)
>How true is this??
>I want to know because I've always had fantasies of growing A. veitchii and
>warocqueanum in my bathroom.
one of my first growth chambers WAS a bathroom! they are ideal being
tile-lined to hold humidity and generally waterproof. add lights and a
source of humidity like a vaporizer, and you are HOME! i flowered my first
orchid in a bathroom in Brooklyn.
I mean growth chamber in a figurative sense, not a laboratory sense. anyone
can make growth chambers.
| +More |
>Say it isn't so.
From: William Perez <wpz at sprynet.com> on 1999.02.14 at 04:41:14(3032)
I seemed to have lost all my files concerning A. veitchii. I pretty much
remember the general requirements but cannot recall if anyone mentioned a
good potting mix. Would it be okay to mount it and hang it in the
bathroom? I also remember someone mentioning that foggy conditions would
produce superb plants. Does a humidifier's output classify as foglike or
is it still too 'wet'?
I need to know because I just got my very own A. veitchii from Tropiflora.
I am very pleased! It's in a three inch pot with three very strong and
turgid leaves. The youngest leaf is two inches long, the next is 3 or 4
inches and the big one is six inches long. Not a bruise or a tear in
sight. It came in an unecessarily large box and packed really well which
explains why it looks so good. And for only twenty bucks! I ordered it
and received it within a week. I urge everyone to take a looksee at
Tropiflora's website and order it. You won't be disappointed.
Now, if only I could find A. waroqueanum for about the same price, then
I'd be set for life!
William Perez
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