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  Growth chamber
From: David Thornton <dave at dave-aroid.demon.co.uk> on 1998.12.20 at 17:03:45(2852)
tsuh yang chen'

Someone wrote in connection with A. veitcheii ," have you got a growth
chamber ?" (LOST THE EMAIL) What in the world is a growth chamber ?


From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1998.12.21 at 00:39:05(2853)
>Someone wrote in connection with A. veitcheii ," have you got a growth
>chamber ?" (LOST THE EMAIL) What in the world is a growth chamber ?

A growth chamber is a more controlled environment than a greenhouse; often
the light source is entirely artificial, and the temperature, humidity and
pretty much the whole environment is dialed in and mad or woman-made. a
small growth chamber, for example, would be a terrarium with a fluorescent
light over it and a thermometer somewhere in it. At Harvard, they make
their growth chambers out of commercial meat refrigerators with banks of
fluorescent lights set about only 1/2 inch apart. the ballasts supplied
the heat, in fact, too much heat.....one can 'remote' the ballasts, and put
them someplace away from the lights themselves and blow a fan accross them
to supply heating for a cellar-sized growth chamber, which is what i did
when I lived in Boston.


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