IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Aroids in foreign languages
From: MOTO_DO at t-online.de (Ihr Name) on 1998.12.22 at 14:49:26(2860)
Dear Aroiders,
as I seen, the people which communicate on the Aroid L are from all over
the world.
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.12.22 at 16:12:26(2861)
This is an interesting topic and I certainly hope that others will reply...

I once heard Jose Abalo, a noted Heliconia authority from Venezuela say
that "It is difficult for a Spanish speaking person to pronounce Latin in
English." From this point of view, I have no doubt that there are several
unusual nams that have come up...

From: StellrJ at aol.com on 1998.12.24 at 21:53:21(2865)
In a message dated 12/22/98 11:00:41 AM EST, plantnut@macconnect.com writes:

<< I once heard Jose Abalo, a noted Heliconia authority from Venezuela say
that "It is difficult for a Spanish speaking person to pronounce Latin in
English." From this point of view, I have no doubt that there are several
unusual nams that have come up...

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.