IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  The weather
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.01.14 at 18:47:52(2897)
Just per chance those of us in the southern regions in comparison to the
Canadian tundra should take a second look at ourselves and realize how we
have flooded, roasted, dried, curled, and cried foul to the weather
manipulators of our own parched, soaked and dingy, sullen enviroment in other
times not too distant in the past. Not defending the blank blank cold that
appears to have come out of the
Canadian Rockies that visited us in recent weeks, but per chance it will kill
the fleas come next spring if it does not kill me. To those who like the white
of snow, I can remember such growing up in the Empire State, but that was
before I came to acquainted with the warmth of the tropics and the soul
retrieval of the jungle. Ah, but the luxury of hot showers make each a dream
for the admirer and each the Hell of the dissident. Each to his own....per
chance that is the lesson.
Now as to tubers or bulbs or bubbas or whatever...Do each of you know of
which you are talking? Is that not what communication is all about? From what
I surmise, this conversation has taken place before, before one of us now
delving into the new ages of electronics came on board this rolling, tumbling,
rambling discourse. No need to repeat it for me, but if per chance another
feels the need...go right to it. Do you think you will come up with a new
answer? I somehow doubt it, but...there are always 'buts' if you look for
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.