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  Van Bourgondien
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.01.29 at 15:18:02(255)
Has anyone had experience ordering from Van Bourgondiun... They usually
specialize in Dutch Bulbs but I see they are expanding to Tacca... They
also have a lot of Zantedeschia and Caladium..

From: awootten at nrao.edu (Al Wootten) on 1997.01.29 at 15:53:08(257)
Dewey Fisk writes:
> Has anyone had experience ordering from Van Bourgondiun... They usually
> specialize in Dutch Bulbs but I see they are expanding to Tacca... They
> also have a lot of Zantedeschia and Caladium..
> Dewey
From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.01.29 at 20:28:47(258)

I've ordered Zantedeschia from Van Bourgondien several years and been
very pleased with the quality.
Their premium grade Z. rehmanii blooms magnificently the year you plant

Ray Stilwell

From: tjw at chos001.cho.ge.com (Tim Williams Ext. 5529) on 1997.01.29 at 20:38:32(259)
Dewey asks about experiences with Van Bourgondien.

I have bought from them on and off for the last twenty years or so. They
are pricey but the quality has always been very good. Everything has been
correctly labeled and grew rapidly.

They are much better than most companies that produce a slick, mass mailing
catalog. In my opinion better than more well known places such as Wayside.

I plan to order from them again this spring.

Tim Williams

From: HALPCL at aol.com on 1997.01.29 at 20:44:57(260)
Dewey: We ordered from them years ago and found them impossibly slow about
shipping and less than prompt about letting customers know what was going on.
Maybe, you should call and ask specific questions before going too far with
your check book. Just a suggestion. H. Alton Lee, HALPCL

From: Zzzadig at aol.com on 1997.01.30 at 15:43:53(261)
I have ordered bulbs from them for years. I have always been pleased. I am
ordering the Tacca myself. Good luck.

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1997.01.30 at 17:33:24(262)
Living just a few miles from them, I've ended up ordering from them
frequently. I agree with the other comments about them, they're good, but
sometimes slow, etc. One thing to watch out for, though... they have two
catalogs, a retail and a wholesale catalog. The wholesale catalog ends up
ordering larger quantities of items but at far far lower prices. There are
no business prerequisites to be able to order from their wholesale catalog.


From: Mark Evans <LIBEVANS at ACS.EKU.EDU> on 1997.01.30 at 17:44:18(265)
I've ordered wholesale from Van Bourgondien several times over the
years. The first few times convinced me to never order anything but
bulbs from them. Every herbaceous perennial has arrived dead or dying
and they are impossibly slow to deal with as far as making a claim.
I've had very expensive plants mislabeled (didn't find out until bloom)
and received diseased stock. I still order from them occasionally, but
there are other, better, CHEAPER sources--IN MY OPINION.

I saw the Tacca listed in the new catalog and even considered ordering.
All I can say is....caveat emptor.

Mark Evans

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.01.30 at 18:58:48(266)
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From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.01.30 at 22:09:24(269)
Several folks have replied to my message regarding subject company. The
consensus seems to be that at one time they were not that hot... But, now
they have imporved... Many thanks for your comments...

Others have asked for the address:

Van Bourgondien Bros.
245 Route 109, PO Box 1000
Babylon, NY 11702-9004
FAX: 1-516-669-1228

Thanks again for the comments....

From: Al Wootten <awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 1997.02.03 at 14:50:03(290)
I noticed over the weekend as I was filling out my order that Van Bourgondien
also list an email address on the order form:

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.