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  Venezuelan heliconia?
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1999.01.23 at 17:41:33(2946)
In a message dated 99-01-22 22:03:26 EST, jason wrote:

<< In Barinas
State was an abundant pasture "weed" which had the classic Heliconia-type

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1999.01.23 at 23:24:31(2947)
I doubt much that the "pasture weed" is a Phenakospermum, which is a
gigantic thing and is not very common.

Robert Lee Riffle, author of THE TROPICAL LOOK

From: "Peter Boyce" <Boyce at pothos.demon.co.uk> on 1999.01.24 at 16:12:46(2951)

Rarity of Phenakospermum: I can't speak for Venezuela having never been
there but in Brazilian Amazonas Phenakospermum is, in many places,
exceedingly abundant, forming enormous stands in ruderal habitats, and
accompanied by multitudes of seedlings.

I know it's a big plant, but you didn't (in your first mailing) give any
indication of size.


From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1999.01.24 at 21:12:20(2952)
Pete, it wasn't I who did the first mailing; it was Jason Hernandez.
And, no, he didn't specify the size of the plants, but he did say
they are "pasture weeds," which is just one reason I don't think
they could be Phenakospermum. That's ("pasture") also why it's dif-
ficult, for me at least, to think the plants in question could
be a Calathea species, as all I know of are understory subjects--
I, of course, don't know all the 300 or so species ....

We've done Heliconiaceae, Strelitziaceae, Marantaceae and Cannaceae;
anyone got any AROID possibilities? ;-))


From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.01.25 at 00:07:27(2953)
>We've done Heliconiaceae, Strelitziaceae, Marantaceae and Cannaceae;
>anyone got any AROID possibilities? ;-))

Has anyone given thought to just waiting for the photos that were promised?

From: StellrJ at aol.com on 1999.01.25 at 21:08:30(2954)
> Has anyone given thought to just waiting for the photos that were promised?
> Dewey

I think that will be necessary, as there is clearly no consensus. I am

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