IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Orchid Thief Discussion
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1999.01.30 at 04:17:42(2970)
To All,

Aroid-L is an internet mail list to which anyone on the internet can
subscribe. Given that, anyone participating on the mail list should
consider themselves as participants in a public forum. We are all here
on this particular mail list courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden
and the International Aroid Society. Because of these courtesies granted
to us, we all must take care in any statements we send to the list to be
certain that nothing is being stated that could potentially harm our hosts.

We have a discussion thread in process dealing with a book and a
particular individual who is a subject of that book. Several Aroid-L members
have had particularly distressing experiences with the subject individual.
One note received at the list processor this afternoon reflected that
experience but did so in a way that could be used as fuel for litigation.
Another received tonight was similar.

After consulting with Steve Marak, our other list-owner, I have decided to not
post these particular messages and have notified the senders of that
decision. The decision to not post the messages was based soley upon our
desire and obligation to protect our hosts. Everyone should know that in the
several years that we have enjoyed this forum, we as moderators have had VERY
few opportunities to decline messages, and this is certainly a credit to all
list members. Neither of us wants to turn away list messages. While
we could have simply not posted them and gone on without comment,
we believe that given the present topic a note to all was appropriate.

Thanks for your consideration.


From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1999.01.31 at 17:02:24(2975)
Hi Don:


A well considered decision, in my opinion, Don. The Aroid-L Is one of the
most interesting and cleanly done Lists of which it is my pleasure to
partake and enjoy. I wish it to stay that way, also.

We, in parts of Canada, have had our own versions of the "Orchid Thief" in
other areas of illegal plant predation, both public and private. You note
that: "Several Aroid-L members have had particularly distressing
experiences with the subject individual." I would be interested in hearing
what these people have to say, FMIO (For My Information Only), if they wish
to e-mail me their experiences _privately_. Their privacy and
confidentiality will be respected and any e-mail(s) on this subject will
not be re-posted, quoted, or used in any way by myself, for any reason,
without their direct permission and consent.

I am _not_ interested in speculation, rumour, or "a-friend-of-a-friend-said
." kind of stories.

Kind Regards,


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.