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  A. Konjac Replanting? South Florida (fwd)
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1999.02.18 at 18:46:46(3041)

Fifty percent of my A konjacs are up already! Yes, get them back into
medium right away. All of mine remained in medium this winter.


From: ManFont at aol.com on 1999.02.19 at 01:10:10(3044)
In a message dated 2/18/99 1:34:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,
burns@mobot.mobot.org writes:

<< Luis,

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1999.02.19 at 04:08:57(3045)
> Have you or anyone you know grow these successfully in the ground South
> Florida soil? I know it will be difficult to retrieve the tubers come
> dormancy, but you left yours in medium?

All of my Phalloids are container grown.

I have seen A. paeoniifolius grown in the ground here. Dewey Fisk has a
monster tuber that produces a flower periodically. However, the plant is
located in an area of his yard that has an abundance of discarded planting
medium, and the associated nutrients from this may be leaching into and
helping to condition the soil. Much of my property is on sand and coral
rock, and I doubt that any Amorphophallus species would do well.

In general, A. konjac does not do well here, and this is probably due to
our summer heat. The konjacs I have coming up now will most likely go
dormant in July. The folks up north seem to have far greater success with
konjac. The Amorphophallus species that seem to do well in south Florida
are those that are indigenous to similar climates. This is not to say
that others will not do well here, because many do. But they many do even
better in a cooler climate.


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