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  Xan. Amovirans Horrida
From: philscherer <71211.2545 at compuserve.com> on 1999.03.20 at 16:50:49(3123)
Could someone tell me the proper cultural requirements for Xan. Amovirans=

Horrida? I will be growing in S. Florida. Thank you! Lauderdale>

From: Diana Pederson <enabling at netzero.net> on 1999.03.20 at 22:36:49(3124)
Could someone tell me more about Philodendron
xanadu? I understand it is a patented cultivar.
Diana Pederson, Lansing, Michigan, United States,
USDA Zone 5
From: philscherer <71211.2545 at compuserve.com> on 1999.03.25 at 15:23:36(3145)
To: INTERNET:aroid-l@mobot.org, INTERNET:aroid-l@mobot.org

Date: 3/25/99 7:51 AM

RE: Xan. Amovirans Horrida

Could someone tell me the proper cultural requirements for Xan. Amovirans=

Horrida? I will be growing in S. Florida. Thank you! Lauderdale>

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1999.03.26 at 01:06:40(3150)
> Could someone tell me the proper cultural requirements for Xan. Amovirans=
> Horrida? I will be growing in S. Florida. Thank you! > Lauderdale>


You may not be receiving responses because your subject plant is not a
recognizable species. Could your plant really be X. atrovirens?

In south Florida this plant should do well on a sphagnum totem or in a
pot with a typical soiless mixture.


From: "Don Bittel" <dbittel at treco.net> on 1999.03.26 at 04:35:26(3151)
I think you are asking about Xanthosoma atrovirens variegatum monstrosum,
commonly known as the Mouse plant because it has the leaf cupped with a
tail at the end. The leaf will actually hold water in the cup. The leaf is
also heavily variegated white, and is puckered and has raised areas on the
upper surface.

I struggled with this plant for years until I set a pot in my garden area,
intending to repot it. Forgotten, the plant escaped through the holes in
the pot, and the new plants grew quickly in the rich wet soil, getting 3-4
feet tall with huge leaves about 16" x 20"! So I dumped the pot over, and
just grew less tomatoes.
Hope this helps.
Don Bittel

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.03.26 at 14:50:28(3152)
So that's the name! Xanthosoma atrovirens variegatum monstrosum
That's one of the plants I've been trying to find for a while. A couple
years ago I described a syngonium with a cupped tip and was told it was a
Xanthosoma but I didn't recall just which species.

I should finally be able to grow it in appropriate conditions.

Anyone know someone who carries it (preferably cheap)?

From: philscherer <71211.2545 at compuserve.com> on 1999.03.26 at 15:02:01(3154)
Hi Don -- I bought it at the Aroid sale in Fairchild Garden and it has
variegated leaves which are somewhat bunched and distorted near the tip.

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1999.03.26 at 15:45:11(3155)

50% shade/sun will probably be fine.

Don Burns Plantation, FL USA Zone 10b

From: "Alan Galloway" <alan_galloway at bellsouth.net> on 1999.03.26 at 16:46:05(3156)
>I should finally be able to grow it in appropriate conditions.
>Anyone know someone who carries it (preferably cheap)?

I believe I saw it listed on Dewey Fisk's plant list that he
recently sent out. You can contact him at:


From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1999.03.26 at 18:09:06(3158)
On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Lester Kallus wrote:

> So that's the name! Xanthosoma atrovirens variegatum monstrosum
> That's one of the plants I've been trying to find for a while. A couple
> years ago I described a syngonium with a cupped tip and was told it was a
> Xanthosoma but I didn't recall just which species.
> I should finally be able to grow it in appropriate conditions.
> Anyone know someone who carries it (preferably cheap)?

Southern Exposure, and Glasshouse Works. I got one from GW, it was not
cheap ($28) and rather tiny (it is shown in a 3-inch pot at the URL:

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.03.27 at 02:48:39(3159)
>Hi Don -- I bought it at the Aroid sale in Fairchild Garden and it has
variegated leaves which are somewhat bunched and distorted near the tip.

Dear Friends,
Just my stupid two cents worth as usual--- Are there not TWO forms of this
plant, one with the 'cup' at the leaf tips ('monstrosum'), and one with the
'frills' at the mid-rib UNDERNEATH the leaf blades which I believe is called

From: philscherer <71211.2545 at compuserve.com> on 1999.03.27 at 15:55:02(3161)
Thanks for the info Julius --- The best cure for spider mites is preditor=
mites. They eat the others -- eggs and all !!

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