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  Greenhouse Advice
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.mobot.org> on 1999.03.22 at 02:03:42(3129)

As a follow-up to Scott's comments on humidity, everything down here
starts growing when the RH starts hitting the 65%+ mark at 77 or 78degF in
the evenings. I wish I could maintain this condition year 'round. At
present the RH is at 45 outside. But in another three to four weeks summer
will be with us.

On your next trip down this way you should stop to visit Ron Gagliardo at
Atlanta Botanical. They have succeeded in creating an extremely well
regulated tropical environment in the Conservatory there. Its worth a
look and you might learn a few simple "tricks".


From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.03.22 at 15:04:27(3130)
Thanks for the advice, all. I'm relieved to hear the humidity is OK. No,
the fans are not yet set up. There will be two ceiling fans. I have
planned to have them blow upwards so that there's no direct draft on the
plants but rather just some gentle air motion. I hope that's the right way.

As for watering, yup, I've probably over watered some of those pots. I'm
using a general soilless mix but the peat in it might be further
degenerating. One of those pots (the only one I'm really concerned about)
is the one holding the tuber of the Manihot exculenta which I had hoped to
resurrect. So far the tuber still seems pretty solid but there isn't even
a hint of growth.

Anyway, thanks for the advice; I'll close the door and allow the humidity
to remain in the 60s. I had worried about the high daytime temperatures
but apparently they're not too worrisome. I'll keep the nights at 70 for
now. The heated floor will hopefully stimulate some of the dormant tubers
to start growing. I'll also have to put some coating on some of the
unfinished wood before it succumbs.


From: Jmh98law at aol.com on 1999.03.24 at 18:05:14(3137)
In a message dated 3/22/99 6:52:05 AM Pacific Standard Time,
lkallus@earthlink.net writes:


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