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  Brazil in May
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1999.03.22 at 21:42:40(3131)
dear friends,

i'll be in sao paulo and rio de janeiro in may. i would like to know places
of botanical interest, nurseries, events to attend in the region. i intend to
visit the botanical garden in rio and possibly the burle-marx sitio. any
other places/tips? thanks.

tsuh yang chen, nyc

From: "maurice m. hinterding" <hinterding at dutch.nl> on 1999.03.24 at 04:47:12(3134)
Dear, tsuh yang chen,

if you like to see and visit real primary rainforest, I can stongly advise
you to contact a friend of mine who is living in Sao Paolo. He has bought
200 acre of this forest near Morro Grande. His name is Fernado Bignardi. If
you like his adress and phone number, email me at my home adress. I have
been there 2 years ago and it was really suppurp

Maurice Hinterding

From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1999.03.24 at 17:49:34(3135)
>dear friends,
>i'll be in sao paulo and rio de janeiro in may. i would like to know places
>of botanical interest, nurseries, events to attend in the region. i intend to
>visit the botanical garden in rio and possibly the burle-marx sitio. any
>other places/tips? thanks.
>tsuh yang chen, nyc

Not aroid, but you should make a trip to the Organ mountains (near
Rio) and see the only location for the incredible amaryllid Worsleya
Rayneri which grows in nearly bare rock. This 'Blue Amaryllis' get some 5
to 8 ft tall and is endemic to only a couple nearby location. Endangered
and protected in Brazil it is worth a pilgrimage.

best Jim W.

James W. Waddick Voice: 816 746 1949
8871 NW Brostrom Rd E-MAIL: jim-jim@swbell.net
Kansas City MO 64152 Fax: 816 746 1939
Zone 5/6 - Winter low -10 degrees F Summer high +100 degrees F

From: "Clark Weston" <bk161 at rgfn.epcc.edu> on 1999.03.24 at 21:18:00(3138)
I found the remarks about Blue Amaryllis interesting. Worsleya rayneri.
I am going to have to research that one-where it will grow, temperature and
humidity needs, etc.

From: Al Wootten <awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 1999.03.24 at 21:38:10(3139)
James W. Waddick writes:
> Not aroid, but you should make a trip to the Organ mountains (near
> Rio) and see the only location for the incredible amaryllid Worsleya
> Rayneri which grows in nearly bare rock. This 'Blue Amaryllis' get some 5
> to 8 ft tall and is endemic to only a couple nearby location. Endangered
> and protected in Brazil it is worth a pilgrimage.
Interesting opportunity. A photo is at:
which certainly whet my appetite.


From: TY <goldfish at inch.com> on 1999.03.25 at 14:47:33(3143)
It looks beautiful, though gigantic: would you please fill us in when you
find out more about it? Thanks!

Tuan Ching

>I found the remarks about Blue Amaryllis interesting. Worsleya rayneri.

From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1999.03.25 at 20:29:19(3147)
In a message dated 3/24/1999 12:37:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, jim-
jim@swbell.net writes:

> Not aroid, but you should make a trip to the Organ mountains (near

From: "Clark Weston" <bk161 at rgfn.epcc.edu> on 1999.03.30 at 03:12:11(3167)
Since Worsleya or Blue Amaryllis is OFF-TOPIC, I would be pleased to send
copies of an email which I have received and additional information to
anyone who will send a PRIVATE email to me.

Clark Weston

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