IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  E-mail Address
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.03.23 at 22:12:47(3133)
I apologize for having the wrong e-mail address on my letterhead on the
list that I recently sent out... This was a big goof on my part... The
correct address is"

I trust that this does not cause too much of a problem...

Dewey Fisk,
Plant Nut

From: pulis at mindspring.com on 1999.04.01 at 14:35:29(3214)

Thanks for the heads up. I *did remember that there was a change, but hadn't
made the change in my addressbook. The plant list looks wonderful. Alas, my
house is full, my greenhouse needs a machete to hack thru it, and we're
still almost a month from our last frost date. Perhaps in summer?


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.