IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Philodendron or Monstera?
From: David Bauman <DBauman at MAIL.INDYZOO.com> on 1999.03.30 at 22:54:45(3177)
Can someone help with the currently accepted name of split-leaf
philodendron/swiss cheese plant? Is it properly M. deliciosa or P. pertusum
or both? My "research" on the name is "inconclusive". Thanks.

David G. Bauman

From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.03.31 at 14:42:30(3183)
It is my understanding that the problem started when the Taxonomist got
impatient. They named the juvenile plant. The foliage is not split...
then... the plant grew up....

So, the REAL name is Monstera deliciosa... There is no P. pertusum.

This is the way I understand it...

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