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  Web Page / plant collection
From: "Toby Marsden" <tobym at beer.com> on 1999.03.31 at 18:15:03(3199)

Congratulations on the web page! It's very useful to have a list on-line: it
seems that whenever I need it, my copy is somewhere else.

I thought I'd drop you a note to tell you how the plants you sent me are
doing. Everything has sprouted now, some of them having enjoyed a winter
rest. Spathicarpa saggitifolia has been flowering constantly for several
weeks, and Anthurium willifordii has just opened its first flower for me...
beautiful red colour - I think the leaves are more beautiful however.
Anchomanes hookerii is in full leaf now, and Alocasia longiloba 'magnifica'
is just shooting now. The only plant that hasn't emerged so far is Caladium
humboldtii, but I know for a fact that there are firm tubers under there so
I'm pretty sure it's just a case of waiting. Everything else has already
shot up, and it looking very healthy indeed.

Thanks again for these lovely plants: I am growing them in a 3ft terrarium
in my room at the moment, and it makes a wonderful indoor 'jungle'! Looking
after them is one of the high points of my life at the moment: I'm
absolutely overwhelmed with schoolwork as my exams start in 6 weeks time.
Still, I've got some time off for Easter so I'll get out there potting up
before too long.

I love taking photos of the plants in my collection - I've got some
reasonable shots already and I hope I'm going to have the chance to take
some more when the rest of my collection gets into full swing, a little
later on. I've just set up a small tissue culture facility in my room, so
hopefully some of my plants will be 'in vitro' before too long. I had a go
at this when I was 13: while most of the living material I replated was
infected, most of the seed cultures were OK (except for the small point that
I nuked most of the seeds with bleach, perhaps I was a liitle over-zealous
with my sterilisation).

I'm looking forward to receiving my first IAS newsletter, and I hope
everything's OK with you and your collection,


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