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  Amorhophallus in my neighborhood?
From: "Susan Cooper" <SCooper at cooperpower.com> on 1999.04.09 at 15:44:41(3253)
Hi all,
I'm new to all this aroid-ness, but I just had to tell you what I saw yesterday. I was walking my dog through my grandma-grandpa type of city neighborhood, when I was astonished to see an Amorphophallus in bloom. Right there, in a pot, standing next to the garage. About 3ft high, dark maroon. I think it was A. konjac, is that the right name? I told you I was just a beginner.....
It took me by such surprise- both being in a fuddy duddy type old fashioned neighborhood, and standing outside in 40-45 deg F weather! I snuck down the driveway and sniffed- then wished I had not done so- definitely stinky. I'll go back today and try to talk to someone or get a picture, although I hope they moved it- it's now about 38F and has been raining since early last night.
Bye for now,
Susan Cooper
From: Michael Marcotrigiano <marcotrigiano at pssci.umass.edu> on 1999.04.09 at 17:27:05(3255)
My guess is it is a kojac that starting blooming indoors and the owner was
wise enough to get it out of the house before he thought his freezer had
defrosted with 20 lbs of ground beef in it! I routinely have large flowering
konjacs and can not hold them back from blooming until weather is warmer.
Smaller ones will not send up a leaf until I pot them up and water them, but
flowering ones will do so right from the dry tuber. It is a problem. But I
love the 4 foot wide leaf so I put up with it.

From: "Walter Greenwood" <walter at radserv.arad.upmc.edu> on 1999.04.09 at 17:31:14(3256)
Last summer, while driving my daughter to a garage sale in the neighborhood across the street, I was similarly surprised to see a beautiful, big Sauromatum in a pot beside someone's front door. The lady watering the flower beds didn't know much about what it was, but has evidently had it for quite a few years. We'll undoubtedly be buying little TC'd A. titanums at Lowe's and Home Depot
before long.

- WG

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