IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.02.03 at 21:51:51(292)
Dewey mentioned a dwarf (circa 2" tall!) Caladium in a recent posting. Has
anyone put together a list of the smallest (or just dwarf) aroids? Do any of
you have suggestions for plants that belong on such a list--say, under 12" tall?


From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2001.07.11 at 14:53:01(7014)
Hello! I think everyone knows how sickly addicted to these aroids I have
become. But I have found an interest in these plants that stick to the walls
like the Monstera dubia as well as the others. I have found the Dischidia
and Hoyas that do the same does anyone grow them or the aroids that grow
this way? I have see about 3 types of aroids that use this form to grow are
their more?

From: "sullivan" paulsull at sunline.net> on 2001.07.11 at 21:31:13(7021)
I am interested in the same type plants as Mr. Williams, except that I don't
need aquatics. I can be reached at paulsull@sunline.net. thanks. I live in
Punta Gorda, FLoirida.
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