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  cheap flower pots
From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.05.03 at 05:38:41(3323)
It's time to stop begging the lower garden center for leftover used
pots. I'm expecting 100 caladium tubers this week and have no idea what
I'm going to be doing with them and don't relish begging for 100 more pots.

Instead, it's time to order. I did so well with my request for cheap
labels that I'm going to ask for cheap flower pots. Any ideas? I'm
looking for 4 or 5" pots and don't mind purchasing 500 or 1000 if that's
the minimum number. Will any of the manufacturing companies deal with such
small orders?

From: "George R Stilwell, Jr." <grsjr at juno.com> on 1999.05.03 at 22:06:49(3328)

The best pots I know are by Anderson Die & Mfg. Co., Portland, Oregon,

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