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  The Anthurium Primer
From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.05.24 at 03:25:03(3395)
Hi everybody, about 40 days ago I was told by Scott Hyndman that anybody
could write HTML and that making pages was not that hard. I took it to
heart and have just placed my Anthurium Primer online at the following


Some of the images are a little large, this was a beginners mistake and it
will be corrected.

Photos, comments, articles , criticizum (not a good speller), etc. much

I will try to get this onto the MOBOT server at a later date

Hope you like it

Neil Carroll

From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.05.24 at 03:28:15(3396)
Would you beleive it? 2 hours after the thing went on line I got a message
and now it has a new address as follows: http://www.hargray.com/~zzamia

that should get you there

Neil C.

From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.05.24 at 03:31:32(3397)


From: Fure-Chyi Chen <furechen at mail.npust.edu.tw> on 1999.05.25 at 15:09:00(3398)
It is nice to have this website. I enjoy looking at some references. A drawback is observed that pictures of the article 'Standardization of Anthurium descriptions' are missing.

Dr. Fure-Chyi Chen

From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.05.25 at 21:32:21(3399)
At 10:09 AM 5/25/99 -0500, you wrote:
>It is nice to have this website. I enjoy looking at some references. A
drawback is observed that pictures of the article 'Standardization of
Anthurium descriptions' are missing.
>Dr. Fure-Chyi Chen
>National Pingtung Univ. of Sci. & Technol.
>Department of Plant Industry
>Nei-pu, Pingtung
>Taiwan 91207
>e-mail: furechen@mail.npust.edu.tw

Thanks for the note. I am trying to correct the illustrations problems in
the STandardization of Descriptions article.it will be a week or two.


From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.07.02 at 13:19:32(3483)
About 35 new photos of species and more complete info. at The Anthurium Primer


Better navigation too.

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.