IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  incredible dracunculus
From: Stacy Holtzman <sholtzma at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu> on 1999.06.10 at 15:21:52(3422)
Hi aroiders,
I just saw the most awesome aroid, Dracunculus vulgaris (sp?),I have to
obtain it for my garden! I just went to Munchkin Nursery in Southern
Indiana, and it has grown there for a number of years as a display plant
and was just getting ready to bloom. I missed the bloom, but want to try
it for hardiness where I live, as I am just north of this nursery and
probably have a similar freeze zone.

Could somebody eee me privately about vendors for this plant? I want to get


From: Bob Burns <bobburns61 at yahoo.com> on 1999.06.11 at 15:23:07(3423)
Stacy-Are you ready to put up with
something that stinks to high heaven? The bloom is
spectacular, but I'd go back to the nursery and get a
whiff, if the thing is still in bloom. Maybe plant it
somewhere you can see from a distance! I had people
complaining about mine a full sixty feet away.
In any case, maybe someone on the list has more
than they want, and can part with some!
Bob Burns

From: Doug Burdic <dburdic at presys.com> on 1999.06.11 at 19:29:07(3424)
I must have some type of 'Daffodil Mart Odorless' clone, since mine have
bloomed two years in a row now and really don't have any detectable
odor. Maybe it has something to do with the media they're grown in? I
doubt it, but it is puzzling. Now...Helicodiceros...here's a plant whose
bloom could literally 'wake the dead'.

Take Care,

Doug (who is wondering why his Dracunculus flowers are odorously

From: Stacy Holtzman <sholtzma at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu> on 1999.06.11 at 19:34:44(3425)
Yes, Bob, I am willing to put up with the smells. I just hope that people
don't think that it's me vs. a plant in my garden! haha

I have had really good personal response to this question of where to get
some bulbs; thanks a lot everyone. I looked at the appropriate websites
for some nurseries and the prices are very reasonable.

One good thing also about the smells, Bob: I could plant these beauties
around the perimeter of the five acres I live on and repel the deer.


From: Bob Burns <bobburns61 at yahoo.com> on 1999.06.11 at 20:13:02(3426)
Stacy and aroiders;
I doubt the Dracunculus would do much as a deer
repellent, only staying in bloom a few days out of the
year. At our place (in the 'bush' of central GA) only
a 15 ft. fence is enough. But be it noted that aroids
(of which I've several) don't seem to ever be victims
of the deer at all, and most of mine are outside this
fence. Does anyone concur, or duspute?
Bob Burns-

From: "Susan Cooper" <SCooper at cooperpower.com> on 1999.06.12 at 02:09:48(3429)
Hey, if that is the case, I'll take one too!!
Has the list been really quiet lately- or am I not getting all my mail???

Susan Cooper

From: Neil Carroll <zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.06.12 at 02:18:52(3431)
At 03:13 PM 6/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Stacy and aroiders;
> I doubt the Dracunculus would do much as a deer
From: Damian Trownson <DrPaulBear at xtra.co.nz> on 1999.06.12 at 02:23:53(3432)
Doug Burdic wrote:
> I must have some type of 'Daffodil Mart Odorless' clone, since mine have
> bloomed two years in a row now and really don't have any detectable
> odor. Maybe it has something to do with the media they're grown in? I
> doubt it, but it is puzzling. Now...Helicodiceros...here's a plant whose
> bloom could literally 'wake the dead'.
> Take Care,
> Doug (who is wondering why his Dracunculus flowers are odorously
> challenged)
From: MJ Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1999.06.15 at 02:38:42(3433)

While hiking in the woods of NE Iowa three weeks ago, I noted that about
1/4 of the Arisaema triphyllum blossoms were snipped off at the base of
the spadix. I just "assumed" that deer (heavily populated area) did the
snipping. Perhaps not.

From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1999.06.15 at 02:50:21(3436)
Hi All:

>At 03:13 PM 6/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Stacy and aroiders;

From: StellrJ at aol.com on 1999.06.15 at 02:56:58(3438)
In a message dated 6/11/99, 1:12:53 PM, aroid-l@mobot.org writes:
<< But be it noted that aroids
(of which I've several) don't seem to ever be victims
From: Stacy Holtzman <sholtzma at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu> on 1999.06.15 at 03:13:33(3443)

None of my aroids in the garden are ever bothered by anything, including deer.

From: Genny38 at webtv.net (Genny'38) on 1999.06.16 at 13:54:07(3444)
Hello Everybody:
I joined this list to learn more about these plants. So far I have been
learning a lot, and sometimes I laugh about the deer problem....I am
from Guadalajara, Mexico, Spanish speaking and trying my best in
English. So this is a question for all of you!
I was given a couple of years ago, a bulb (redish brown) with no name or
instructions in how to care for it....I found myself a pot to put it,
but to my surprise the bulb was growing so fast...and suddenly gave me
the most beautiful but strange looking flower, with a strange smell
also, (not to stinky) I had a parade of relatives and neighbors wanting
to see "My master piece".....I consulted gardening books in Spanish with
no result....so I said to myself, "one day I will find out, what's the
name of my bulb"....and I guess after to much hesitation in my side, and
learning first to deal with this electronic box, I found this list, and
here I am....asking this question to people that knows so much about
this matter.
Also I would like to know where can I buy bulbs, seeds in USA.... not
delivered to Mexico ofcourse, but to a California (USA) address of a
friend of mine, that has told me to use it for my "plant adventure"
I sincerely thank all of you in advance.....
Genny, from Guadalajara, Mexico

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