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  another non-aroid question
From: tychen at ippfwhr.org on 1997.02.05 at 05:04:01(303)
dear aroiders,

i hope you can help me in regards to gingers (zingiberaceae) and
alstroemeria (alstroemeriaceae).

From: Mike Bordelon <MNHBO102 at SIVM.SI.EDU> on 1997.02.05 at 13:43:36(305)
Both of the Gingers you mentioned go dormant in the fall for me. I keep
them in the basement, 60 F dry and dark. When they show growth 3-4
months later they get repotted, watered and given good light. They then
get moved outside after the last chance of frost. They should flower by
mid summer in the shade.

Mike Bordelon Greenhouse Manager
Department of Botany Smithsonian Institution

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