IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Picture of Philodendron linnaei
From: "Susan Cooper" <SCooper at cooperpower.com> on 1999.06.25 at 14:26:14(3461)
Here is a neat picture I came across, I didn't know Philos had
inflorescences. like that!!


Susan Cooper

From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.06.25 at 21:07:08(3462)
Yep, sure is pretty.... I have them bloom all the time. Many do not have
the very dark red as shown but most have some color. I have seen some of
the larger Philos. that have 15 - 18 inch blooms....

Why don't you post this URL to Aroid-l...?? Would be a nice one to browse....

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