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  Zamioculcas zamiifolia pollination
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1999.06.29 at 15:42:47(3467)
my Z. z. is in bloom again, this time i have 2 inflorescences. i was
wondering if there's a way to pollinate them so that it will set seed.

tsuh yang chen, nyc

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.06.30 at 05:19:21(3471)
>my Z. z. is in bloom again, this time i have 2 inflorescences. i was
wondering if there's a way to pollinate them so that it will set seed.

tsuh yang chen, nyc <

Dear Friend,
Keep checking and examining the upper portion of the spadix in the older
inflorsence that opened first, and when the pollen is being shed, transfer
it to the BOTTOM (female) portion of the other younger, more recent
inflorsence to open. Use a soft, small paint brush dampned with clean water.
The female portion is generally receptive just after the spathe opens, and
you can tell, as there should be a tiny drop of sticky liquid at the top of
each female flower, it these tips are dry and brown, the time is past and
you are too late.
I am not an expert on this genus, but this method has worked great for me
with several other genera. Good luck!!

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