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  California's "modus operandus" rules.... NOT!!!!!
From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.02.08 at 22:32:45(307)
To anyone who can tell me:
I recentenly tried to get a catalogue from an eastern nersery who informed
the forum that it would no longer be sending catalogs to California. The
reason for this is the California agriculture inspection process. CA.
aparently confiscated two different shipments comming from this particular
nersery and held them until they were beyond life, even though the reasons
were bogus. In the first case, the dead plants were sent back to the
nersery, and the second case the dead plants were sent on to the customer!
My question is this: I ordered some wonderfull Caladium tubers from
Richard Mansell and I'm wondering if they will meet the same fate? I hope
this is an approiate question for this forum, but can anyone enlighten me on
this one?

Thank you

From: Hermine Stover <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1997.02.09 at 05:03:46(308)
At 04:32 PM 2/8/97 -0600, SNALICE@aol.com wrote:
>To anyone who can tell me:
>I recentenly tried to get a catalogue from an eastern nersery who informed
>the forum that it would no longer be sending catalogs to California. The
>reason for this is the California agriculture inspection process. CA.
>aparently confiscated two different shipments comming from this particular
>nersery and held them until they were beyond life, even though the reasons
>were bogus. In the first case, the dead plants were sent back to the
>nersery, and the second case the dead plants were sent on to the customer!
> My question is this: I ordered some wonderfull Caladium tubers from
>Richard Mansell and I'm wondering if they will meet the same fate? I hope
>this is an approiate question for this forum, but can anyone enlighten me on
>this one?
>Thank you
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.02.09 at 05:06:59(309)
As a former State Plant Inspector from the State of Florida, I can tell you
that the 'Rules of Californina" are erratic at best. The situation, that
you described, of confiscation is certainly not unusual. Sometimes, it
seems that even Phytosanitary Certificates did not work. I wish you well
getting plants into California. The best way, as a private person, that I
have found is to mail them with no identification on the package.. This
way, they don't know.

From: len at surfer.pcsonline.com (Leonard Dolatowski) on 1997.02.09 at 05:09:42(310)
To anyone who can tell me:
I recentenly tried to get a catalogue from an eastern nersery who informed
the forum that it would no longer be sending catalogs to California. The
reason for this is the California agriculture inspection process. CA.
aparently confiscated two different shipments comming from this particular
nersery and held them until they were beyond life, even though the reasons
were bogus. In the first case, the dead plants were sent back to the
nersery, and the second case the dead plants were sent on to the customer!
My question is this: I ordered some wonderfull Caladium tubers from
Richard Mansell and I'm wondering if they will meet the same fate? I hope
this is an approiate question for this forum, but can anyone enlighten me on
this one?

Thank you

From: Hermine Stover <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1997.02.09 at 16:04:06(311)
At 11:07 PM 2/8/97 -0600, Dewey Fisk wrote:
>As a former State Plant Inspector from the State of Florida, I can tell you
>that the 'Rules of Californina" are erratic at best. The situation, that
>you described, of confiscation is certainly not unusual. Sometimes, it
>seems that even Phytosanitary Certificates did not work. I wish you well
>getting plants into California. The best way, as a private person, that I
>have found is to mail them with no identification on the package.. This
>way, they don't know.
From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.02.09 at 16:07:35(312)
Thank you for your response. I do hope you're right and mine does't end up
being one of the '"few".

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.02.10 at 01:55:16(317)
Thank you Hermine, I'm glad to have info. from CA, and yes we do have
nematodes here. Those are the little things that eat up my carrots and beets
every summer. Whether these are native or foreign, I can't say, but we do
battle every year! This year I tried a beneficial nematode garden control
which contained "Steimema
Carpocapsae" and I won, so I guess they worked.
Thanks again

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