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  Germination of Amophophallus titanum seed
From: Jmh98law at aol.com on 1999.07.15 at 13:58:33(3517)
Sue Zunino wrote inquiring as to germination and her concerns about damping
off. She stated that she was using seed germination mix and feared that this
is not what is meant by "free-draining" soil. Sue, you are correct about

From: Sue <suez at northcoast.com> on 1999.07.16 at 18:55:46(3522)

Thank you for sending the article by Wilbert. I had read this article
which says concerning Amorph. seeds:

> Sow the seeds
> in a typical sowing-soil (poor in nutrients and slightly acidic).

So I used a typical seed starting mix which I consider to be a sowing
soil. It is mostly peat with some fine vermiculite, perlite and sand
mixed in, and is very fine. It 'should' be both 'poor in nutrients and
slightly acidic'. Does this fit the definition of 'a typical

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