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  Amorph. titanum at HUntington BG
From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 1999.07.25 at 04:31:54(3532)
Here is a link to the BBC page for the latest flowering at The Huntington
Botanical Garden in CA

Donna Atwood
Selby Gardens

From: "Joan F. Wall" <jfwall at mindspring.com> on 1999.07.26 at 15:13:57(3534)
There was a short news item on our local tv station
Thursday showing an A. titanum about ready to flower.
The tv anchors were kidding each other about what
a gift this flower would make for a guy to give his
girl. Unfortunately they never credited the
Huntington Botanical Garden (or any other bot garden)
with growing the plant. I've emailed them to find
out where the plant was, but had no answer so far.

Are there any others flowering in the US?


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