IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  still grinning
From: MJ Hatfield oneota at ames.net> on 1999.08.13 at 14:25:11(3570)
I know we're not supposed to "chat" on this list, but I just have to.
Forgive me.

From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.08.13 at 19:21:42(3572)
Dear Aroiders,

Since no one else has taken fingers to the keyboard to expound on the
fantastic, wonderful, overwhelming, joyous, just plain overall grand
experience of the VIII International Aroid Conference just completed in St.
Louis, I want to tell all, it was magnificently run, presented and to those
who attended, beyond words. So much fun to be among my friends of so many
years and then to meet and great and make other new friends was unreal. I
truly did not know there were so many other slightly crazy folks on this
earth. Fully realizing, I am minimizing the 'crazy.'

From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey Fisk) on 1999.08.14 at 17:23:39(3574)
Your message proves that you are truly a wonderful wordsmith!

I agree with everything you said.

I do appreciate the kind words you said about me but I am afraid that I do
not deserve all the credit you gave me.... It was all Beth and Tom.

Many thanks for your words...

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