IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Int. Aroid Conf. ...
From: alan at unity.ncsu.edu on 1999.08.16 at 01:42:11(3580)
.. another testimonial ....

To follow up what several others have said that attended the
International Aroid conference earlier this week, it was a

For those that may have thought this conference would only be
about tropical aroids, that would have been a mistake. There
were 2 talks on Arums and 2 talks on Arisaemas. And 2 talks
on Amorphophallus. All in all, a well balanced program
on our favorite plant family.

Having a chance to meet new aroiders, as well as renew old
friendships was fantastic. It is always great to attach a
physical face will a well-known email address.

Tom, Beth, Cheryl, and so many others put on a splendid
conference. A superb program on aroids, a plant sale, a
welcoming party, and who could forget the auctioning of
Deni Bown's out-publication Aroids book...not only did the
highest bidder get a collector's book, but also received a
kiss from the author.

Having the conference at the Missouri Botanical garden was
perfect for any gardener, no matter what type of plants you
collect and grow.

For those that didn't make it this year, mark your calendars
for the next one at Kew. Now to rest up from all the


From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.08.16 at 05:22:30(3583)
Alan, please do fill in the wonderful party at Tom's by detail and the first
day of lectures since I managed to fall apart for that time. I know the party
must have been exceptional for all and the first day sounded wonderful. I
really would have liked to hear those programs. Give me some details and fill
all in at the same time, if you will please.


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