IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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From: MJ Hatfield oneota at ames.net> on 1999.08.28 at 19:07:44(3602)
Did everyone know about the W3 Tropicos database at the MOBOT web site
but me? Wow.

MJ Hatfield

From: Neil Crafter golfstra at senet.com.au> on 1999.08.31 at 02:04:49(3607)
MJ Hatfield wrote:
> Did everyone know about the W3 Tropicos database at the MOBOT web site
> but me? Wow.
> MJ Hatfield
Dear MJ...I certainly knew about this from browsing the MOBOT site - it
sure is a beauty. As a Philophile I have tried to print the listing of
Philodendron species but all it would do was print what was on the
screen and not the rest of the species listing that was in a scroll box.
Has anyone else had this problem and do they know how to overcome it?


From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 1999.09.01 at 18:37:42(3612)
At 09:05 PM 8/30/99 -0500, you wrote:
>MJ Hatfield wrote:
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