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  sources for Callopsis volkerii
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 1999.10.01 at 02:54:24(3677)
does anyone know of sources for this plant? also, growing conditions.

tsuh yang chen, nyc

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.02 at 04:03:04(3679)
>does anyone know of sources for this plant? also, growing conditions.

tsuh yang chen, nyc<

Dear Friend,
The last ones I got were through Dewey Fisk who, I believe, had a set done
in tissue culture. They were beautiful, easy-to-grow little plants, mature
and in bloom. Keep them warm, fertilize from time to time. They grow well
in a well-draining 'jungle mix'.

From: Riley2362 at aol.com on 1999.10.02 at 04:06:09(3680)
Hey TY,
I can't believe you are asking about this plant - I just saw and photographed
it for the first time in the Uppsala Botanical Garden in Sweden - last week.
The photos aren't even developed yet. It was love at first sight and I
begged and begged and begged for a piece of the plant. The only had a
perfectly grown specimen in a four inch pot. The curator said it was a
favorite of the researchers and although she investigated the plant
thoroughly, she couldn't see a way to remove any piece of it. It was only
about six inches tall with about a dozen white blooms - absolutely adorable
(is that a word for a houseplant?). Now, how do you know of it's existence -
and where the heck can we get one???
Cheers - Michael

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.02 at 23:45:49(3681)
Dear Fellow Aroidophiles,
A cry for help---how does one treat a recently dug-up tuber (has gone
dormant) of Synandrospadix (or any other tuberous aroid, for that matter)
for nematodes??? (Wilbert??) There are a few not-normal, rough,
necrotic-looking areas on the otherwise large and healthy looking tuber.

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