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  Volcano in Ecuador erupting
From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 1999.10.07 at 01:06:35(3706)
The following posting was obtained from the NOAA site that monitors volcanic
activity worldwide. Apparently the Guagua Pichincha Volcano that overlooks
Quito has erupted with a thick cloud of ash. For those who might know them,
Dr. Tom Croat, Dr. Dick Mansell, Lynn Hannon and Tom's assistant Beth, are
all now in this area of Ecuador. I imagine that their trip to Lita will be
eventful and memorable. At any rate, the eruption does not sound like a huge
exposion such as Mt. St. Helens, but the ash falling over the area is sure to
add some excitement to their travels.
-Donna Atwood
Selby Gardens
From: Regferns at aol.com on 1999.10.07 at 22:03:48(3709)
Hello Donna,

It appears that we will be in Sarasota on Sunday to go to the Golden Apple.
We will head out of there on Monday, perhaps we can see you then?

Reggie Whitehead

From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.10.07 at 22:08:38(3710)
Donna they knew what they were getting into before they left because this
volcano event started a few days before departure. No telling how this trip
will be for them. I know Lynn and Dick were concerned and I suspect Tom was
also. Pinchincha is north of Quito right on their path to the North to get to
Ibarra and then down to Lita. Who knows what the military will be doing about
letting people into remote areas right now. There is a second volcano just
above Banos south of Quito that is also rumbling along with a few earthquakes
from both locals. Life is very interesting and very unpredictable right now
in Ecuador and then throw in a monetary crisis and live should be eventful.

This is one of those times when there is definitely more to be revealed. We
certainly wish them well and hope they side with just a bit of caution
perhaps. As is usual, all those predictions usually do not materialize. Let's

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